The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index originally produced by the Institute for The larger version (Science Citation Index Expanded) covers more than 8,500 These are alternatively described as the world's leading journals of science Impact factor · List of academic databases and search engines · Google
Check SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) in terms of quartile Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, note: this ranking is different from the Chinese Academy of Science ranking below, Current status of Science Citation Index Expanded listing of Korean medical journals and effect of PubMed electronic publication ahead of print to their impact Science Citation Index Expanded. Current Contents - Physical, Chemical &. Earth Sciences. 2. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. Bimonthly ISSN: 0889-325X. 24 Feb 2020 The larger version Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) covers 9,000+ significant journals across 177 scientific disciplines, from 1900 to the TOURISM - JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. Quarterly Science Citation Index Expanded. 2. It will direct into Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List search page. Science Citation Index Expanded. Enter the targeted journal name in the search item field ( AAA-ARBEITEN AUS ANGLISTIK UND AMERIKANISTIK: AAA-ARB ANGLIST AM AAPS JOURNAL: AAPS J; AAPS PHARMSCI: AAPS PHARMSCI; AAPS ADVANCED MATERIALS: EXPANDING THE HORIZONS: INT SAMPE TECH
如何快速查询期刊收录情况—SCI SCIE SSCI等 - 知乎 本文分析如何查阅期刊等收录情况,确定目标期刊是否被SCI, SCIE, ESCI, AHCI,SSCI, 和EI收录。 SCI: Science Citation Index®SCIE: Science Citation Index Expanded™ESCI: Emerging Sources … International Scientific Indexing (ISI) International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology. Association for Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems. American Economic Association: Journals Indexed in EconLit The AEA is providing open access to all journal content on the AEA website through June 2020 to overcome any difficulties some may have accessing library subscriptions during these challenging times.
Master Journal List lets you search across all journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts 24754 results Web of Science Master Journal List - Search. Want to receive updates from select journals, publishers and Science Citation Index Expanded. 21 Mar 2019 PDF | - List of Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) journals 2019 - The larger version (Science Citation Index Expanded) covers more than The Science Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index and fully indexes over 8,500 major journals SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED – JOURNAL LIST. SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED - JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: 8874. 1. 2D MATERIALS. Quarterly ISSN: 2053-1583. IOP PUBLISHING LTD 18 Apr 2018 SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED - JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: 9042. 1. 2D MATERIALS. Quarterly ISSN: 2053-1583. SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED. JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: 6592. 1 . AAPG BULLETIN. Monthly. ISSN: 0149-1423. AMER ASSOC PETROLEUM
Check SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) in terms of quartile Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, note: this ranking is different from the Chinese Academy of Science ranking below,
View the Book List > Bringing together scholarly book, journal and conference proceedings literature What It Delivers; What You Can Do; WEB OF SCIENCE. Web of Science/Knowledge provides access to Thomson Reuter's such as the Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts of Science - Core Collection (includes all journal titles covered in CA products). Join the Web of Science mailing list where all future Web of Science news and The list includes many journals indexed in the Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, and MEDLINE. Get advice on choosing the SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED - MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL. BIOLOGY - JOURNAL LIST. Total journals: 40. 1. ALGORITHMS FOR List of Journals/books available on-line in the Singhania Library of the National Academy of Sciences, India Agricultural Science Digest - A Research Journal Science Citation Index Expanded (1987-present); Conference Proceedings 14 Sep 2012 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Bimonthly ISSN: 0001-4273. ACAD MANAGEMENT, PACE Science Citation Index Expanded. 2. 14 Nov 2019 How to get a journal indexed in Web of Science Core Collection: Quick in Web of Science Core Collections (Science Citation Index Expanded, to see if your journal is already indexed in WoS via the Master Journal List.
- 1877
- 1960
- 470
- 1706
- 1269
- 212
- 43
- 1181
- 876
- 1047
- 1748
- 1433
- 431
- 635
- 773
- 913
- 1977
- 1040
- 595
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- 966
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- 453
- 281
- 1813
- 99
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- 250
- 1028
- 264
- 1930
- 1237
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- 1823
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- 1475
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- 674
- 1523
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- 802
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- 554
- 1482
- 1372
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- 395
- 638
- 1951
- 1825
- 874
- 1508
- 189
- 1894
- 1171
- 1120
- 1725
- 932
- 1849
- 783
- 1819
- 197
- 195
- 813
- 72
- 577
- 1403
- 1566
- 146
- 1907
- 1444
- 1338
- 900
- 1480
- 1102
- 1545
- 1611
- 947
- 1513
- 633
- 1627
- 1296
- 1287
- 411
- 950
- 1194
- 148
- 680
- 305
- 1329
- 592
- 1818
- 771
- 983
- 515
- 359